1,863 research outputs found

    Evolution signatures in genome network properties

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    Genomes maybe organized as networks where protein-protein association plays the role of network links. The resulting networks are far from being random and their topological properties are a consequence of the underlying mechanisms for genome evolution. Considering data on protein-protein association networks from STRING database, we present experimental evidence that degree distribution is not scale free, presenting an increased probability for high degree nodes. We also show that the degree distribution approaches a scale invariant state as the number of genes in the network increases, although real genomes still present finite size effects. Based on the experimental evidence unveiled by these data analyses, we propose a simulation model for genome evolution, where genes in a network are either acquired de novo using a preferential attachment rule, or duplicated, with a duplication probability that linearly grows with gene degree and decreases with its clustering coefficient. The results show that topological distributions are better described than in previous genome evolution models. This model correctly predicts that, in order to produce protein-protein association networks with number of links and number of nodes in the observed range, it is necessary 90% of gene duplication and 10% of de novo gene acquisition. If this scenario is true, it implies a universal mechanism for genome evolution


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    This article aims to discuss the implementation of the Child Labor Eradication Program (PETI) as an effective public policy to combat child labor. This is theoretical research, using the deductive method, eminently bibliographic and documentary, through pre-selected books, as well as scientific articles on the subject. The first item discusses child labor and existing public socioeconomic inclusion policies aimed at this purpose. In the subsequent item, the particularities of the Program itself are analyzed. The third and last item is focused on the object of research: discussing the effectiveness of PETI in combating child labor in Brazil. Finally, the final research considerations are presented.O presente artigo se propõe a discutir a implementação do Programa de Erradicação do Trabalho Infantil (PETI) como política pública eficaz no combate ao trabalho infantil. Trata-se de pesquisa teórica, com a utilização do método dedutivo, eminentemente bibliográfica e documental, por meio de livros pré-selecionados, assim artigos científicos acerca do tema. No primeiro item, discute-se o trabalho infantil e as políticas públicas de inclusão socioeconômicas existentes voltadas para essa finalidade. No item subsequente, analisa-se as particularidades do Programa em si. O terceiro e último item é voltado para o objeto de pesquisa: discutir a eficácia do PETI no combate ao trabalho infantil no Brasil. Por fim, apresentam-se as considerações finais da pesquisa

    Políticas públicas e ações de incentivo à leitura promovidas por organizações empresariais sob a ótica da responsabilidade social

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    Contextualization: The discovery of the press provides access to literary works and information, previously restricted to those in power, as religious orders, kings or nobles. However, the high illiteracy rates were still a barrier to more people had access to information. Until the mid-twentieth century, half the population was still illiterate, but the establishment of public policies and private sector initiatives have contributed to change this reality. Objective: this article aims to discuss public policy and reading incentive actions taken by business organizations, as part of their social responsibility strategy, which contributed to change that reality. Methodology: Through an exploratory and qualitative research, we developed a literature review with the aim of presenting the public policies aimed at encouraging reading, and based on the Fortune Magazine of the largest companies, we chose seven Brazilian companies that were in this ranking to demonstrate what they have done to encourage reading in Brazil. Results: Regarding public policies to encourage reading in the period 2006-2010, book industry became valued as a profitable business; there was the installation of large editorial groups and support from international organizations such as OEI, UNESCO, among others. From 2012, public incentives focused on more decentralized actions, such as meetings, seminars and meetings. Regarding measures to encourage reading of the private sector, all organizations studied presented specific actions aimed at encouraging reading. Conclusion: The actions of the private sector and the public policies developed and implemented in Brazil still happen very timid compared to the reality of this society, which has mostly individuals with difficulties and limitations for writing, reading and reflection.A descoberta da imprensa possibilitou o acesso a obras literárias e à informação, antes restritas aos detentores do poder, como ordens religiosas, reis ou nobres. Entretanto, os altos índices de analfabetismo ainda eram uma barreira para que cada vez mais pessoas tivessem acesso à informação. Até meados do século XX, metade da população brasileira ainda era analfabeta, mas o estabelecimento de políticas públicas e ações da iniciativa privada contribuíram para mudar esta realidade. Diante desse contexto, este artigo tem como objetivo discorrer sobre políticas públicas e ações de incentivo à leitura promovidas por organizações empresariais, no âmbito de suas estratégias de responsabilidade social, que contribuíram para a mudança dessa realidade. Para isso, por meio de uma pesquisa de natureza exploratória e qualitativa, elaboramos uma revisão da literatura com o objetivo de apresentar as políticas públicas voltadas ao incentivo à leitura, bem como, com base no ranking da Revista Fortune das maiores empresas, escolhemos as 7 empresas brasileiras constantes desse ranking para demonstrar o que elas têm feito para incentivar a leitura no Brasil. Como conclusão apontamos as ações de incentivo à leitura da iniciativa privada juntamente com as políticas públicas desenvolvidas e implementadas no Brasil e que ainda acontecem de forma muito tímida, comparadas com a realidade desta sociedade, que possui em sua grande maioria indivíduos com dificuldades e limitações para a escrita, leitura e reflexão

    Prospective study of 2151 patients with chronic kidney disease under conservative treatment with multidisciplinary care in the Vale do Paraíba, SP

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    INTRODUCTION: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is common, severe and treatable. Its detection involves low cost tests. AIM: To evaluate the effect of a multidisciplinary (nephrologist, social worker, nurse, nutritionist, and psychologist) intervention comparing clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with CKD. METHODS: A prospective study with 2,151 patients attended at the State Center for Kidney Diseases of the Vale do Paraiba, São Paulo, from February 2008 to March 2011. The kidney function was measured using albuminuria and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGRF) using the MDRD formula The clinical outcomes were the occurrence of cardiovascular disease (CAD), hospitalization episodes, need of renal replacement therapy (RRT) and death. RESULTS: Participants had a mean (range) age of 62 years (14-101), a mean follow-up of 546 days (90-1540) and the majority was in the stage 3 of CKD (59%). The most common primary diagnoses were hypertension (41.2%) and diabetes (32.4%). Mean blood pressure values at the beginning and at the end of treatment were 143 ± 26 mmHg x 87 ± 14 mmHg and 123 ± 16 mmHg x 79 ± 9 mmHg, respectively (p < 0.001); the eGRF decreased from 58.5 ± 31 ml/min. to 56.3 ± 23 ml/min (p < 0.01). Mean value of proteinuria decreased from 1.04 ± 1.44 g/day to 0.61 ± 1.12 g/day, p < 0.001, and the fasting glicemia decreased from 137 ± 73 mg/dl to 116 ± 42 mg/dl. One hundred and twenty-two patients (5.7%) had a CAD episode, the hospitalization rate was 6.6% (n = 143 patients), 7.3% patients died (n = 156), and 1.1% (n = 23) patients needed to start RRT. The risk of cardiovascular events, hospitalization, or death was inversely related to eGRF, and the rates of these events were low compared with the international literature. CONCLUSION: The multidisciplinary care with well defined targets is effective for the preservation of renal function and reduction in morbidity and mortality of CKD patients.INTRODUÇÃO: A doença renal crônica (DRC) é uma enfermidade grave, comum e tratável, cuja detecção envolve exames de baixo custo. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito de uma intervenção multidisciplinar (nefrologista, assistente social, enfermeira, nutricionista e psicóloga) em parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais de pacientes com DRC. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de 2.151 pacientes atendidos no Centro Estadual de Doenças Renais do Vale do Paraíba, SP, de fevereiro de 2008 a março de 2011. A função renal foi avaliada no início e ao final do seguimento por testes de albuminúria e taxa de filtração glomerular estimada (TFGe) pela fórmula do MDRD. Os desfechos clínicos foram: ocorrência de eventos cardiovasculares (ECV), episódios de hospitalização, necessidade de terapia renal substitutiva (TRS) e óbito. RESULTADOS: A idade média foi 62 anos (variação: 14 a 101), com acompanhamento médio de 546 dias (variação: 90 a 1540), havendo predomínio do estagio três da DRC (59%). Os diagnósticos de base mais comuns foram: hipertensão arterial (41,2%) e diabetes (32,4%). A média da pressão arterial antes e ao final do seguimento foi de 143 ± 26 mmHg x 87 ± 14 mmHg e 123 ± 16 mmHg x 79 ± 9 mmHg, respectivamente (p < 0,001); a TFGe reduziu de 58,5 ± 31 ml/min para 56,3 ± 23 ml/min (p < 0,01). A proteinúria caiu de 1,04 ± 1,44 g/dia para 0,61 ± 1,12 g/dia (p < 0,001); e a glicemia de jejum de 137 ± 73 mg/dl para 116 ± 42 mg/dl. Cento e vinte e dois pacientes (5,7%) apresentaram eventos cardiovasculares, a taxa geral de hospitalizações foi de 6,6% (n = 143 pacientes), foram observados 156 (7,3%) óbitos e 23 (1,1%) pacientes evoluíram para TRS. O risco de ECV, hospitalização e óbito aumentou de forma inversa à TFGe, mas são considerados baixos quando comparados à literatura internacional. CONCLUSÕES: A intervenção multidisciplinar com metas bem definidas é efetiva para preservação da função renal e redução da morbidade e mortalidade de pacientes com DRC.Centro Estadual para Tratamento de Doenças Renais do Vale do ParaíbaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de MedicinaUniversidade de TaubatéUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de MedicinaSciEL

    Sonoridades nas Cenas: um debate sobre o tema

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    This debate took place on October 30, 2021 as a public call for the thematic dossier with the same title. It is hosted on the YouTube platform on the Luz Laboratório UDESC channel, belonging to the Lighting Laboratory of the State University of Santa Catarina. The debate was part of the program for the tenth edition of the A Luz em Cena event. The members of the editorial commission of the Fourth Dossier included Flora Holderbaum, Thais Oliveira, Morgana Martins, Ernani Maleta and José Claudio Castanheira as debaters. The opening and closing was coordinated by Marcelo Araújo as a representative of the event.Este debate tuvo lugar el 30 de octubre de 2021 como convocatoria pública del dossier temático del mismo título. Está alojado en la plataforma YouTube en el canal Luz Laboratório UDESC, perteneciente al Laboratorio de Iluminación de la Universidad Estadualde Santa Catarina. El debate formó parte del programa de la décima edición del evento A Luz em Cena. Los miembros de la comisión editorial del Cuarto Dossier incluyeron a Flora Holderbaum, Thais Oliveira, Morgana Martins, Ernani Maleta y José Claudio Castanheira como debatientes. La apertura y clausura estuvo coordinada por Marcelo Araújo como representante del evento.Este debate ocorreu na data de 30 de outubro do ano de 2021 como um lançamento em chamada pública para o dossiê temático de mesmo título. Ele está hospedado na plataforma YouTube no canal Luz Laboratório UDESC, pertencente ao Laboratório de iluminação da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina. O debate integrou a programação da décima edição do Evento A Luz em Cena. Teve como debatedores os integrantes da comissão editorial do Quarto Dossiê entre eles Flora Holderbaum, Thais Oliveira, Morgana Martins, Ernani Maleta e José Claudio Castanheira. A abertura e encerramento ficou sobre a coordenação de Marcelo Araújo como um representante do evento

    A natureza da inflação de serviços no Brasil: 1999-2014

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    XX Encontro Nacional de Economia Política: desenvolvimento Latino-Americano, Integração e Inserção Internacional - UNILA, Foz do Iguaçu, 26 a 29 de maio de 2015Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a dinâmica da infl ação de serviços no Brasil. Para isso, procurou-se identifi car todos os elementos (“subitens”) constitutivos do IPCA passíveis de serem classifi cados como serviços nas diversas encarnações do índice desde 1999 e propôs- se um tradutor entre esses subitens e os conceitos da Classifi cação Nacional de Atividades Econômicas- CNAE – versão 2.0. Com base no referido tradutor foi possível extrair dados da Pesquisa Anual de Serviços (PAS), Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD) e relação Anual das Informações sociais (RAIS) sobre a composição do valor da produção, das ocupações e dos rendimentos do trabalho dos vários setores de serviços que compõem o IPCA. Os dados analisados e as regressões econométricas apresentadas corroboram visões pré- existentes sobre o tema e as estendem, propondo, em particular, que atenção seja dada a alguns poucos setores de serviços com taxas excepcionais de crescimento da produção e/ou do número de ocupados e/ou dos rendimentos desses trabalhadores e que demandam políticas públicas específi casBanco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES); Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu (ITAIPU); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) e Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA

    a study from ecological theory and social network analysis perspective

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    The objective of the present study was to analyze and compare the setter's decision-making (DM) in the offensive construction of the side-out (attack from the reception) in high-level men's volleyball. The sample consisted of the analysis of 132 games of the Brazilian men's volleyball Super-League 2021/2022, with 22 games for each team. The results showed that the eigenvector values were higher for setting to position 3, central attacker next to the setter, simple block, and obtaining the attack point. In addition, the setter's DM was similar between teams, suggesting that the game strategies aim to provide subsidies for the setter to make the decisions according to the game context in a flexible way and generate benefits for the attackers about the number of blockers, being that under ideal conditions and due to the lifter's correct choices in distribution, central blockers avoid anticipating the setting, and this fact allows the conditions of a single block or double-broken blocks in most cases. As a practical application, setting for the central attacker in position 3 becomes an interesting option for point acquisition and is capable of influencing the number of blockers, as well as the optimal blocking condition. Another application would be for the central attacker to position themselves close to the setter, a strategy that would enable the use of the "pipe" attack in other areas of the court with lower defensive blocking power.9E1A-F9DD-3EB8 | Filipe Manuel ClementeN/

    Growth of Fungal Cells and the Production of Mycotoxins

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    Some filamentous fungi are able to grow in food and produce toxic metabolites. It occurs mainly in grains, cereals, oilseeds and some by-products. The growth of fungi in a particular food is governed largely by a series of physical and chemical parameters. The production of toxic metabolites is not confined to a single group of molds irrespective of whether they are grouped according to structure, ecology, or phylogenetic relationships. Mycotoxins can be carcinogenic and cause several harmful effects to both human and animal organisms, in addition to generating large economic losses. The major mycotoxins found in food are the aflatoxins, fumonisins, ochratoxins, patulin, zearalenone, and trichothecenes, generally stable at high temperatures and long storage periods. Considering the difficult prevention and control, international organizations for food safety establish safe levels of these toxins in food destined for both human and animal consumption. Good agricultural practices and control of temperature and moisture during storage are factors which contribute significantly to inhibit the production of mycotoxins. The use of some fungistatic products, such as essential oils and antioxidants, as well as physical, mechanical, chemical, or thermal processing, represents important methods to have the concentration of mycotoxins reduced in food

    Short-Term Effect in Soil Microbial Community of Two Strategies of Recovering Degraded Area in Brazilian Savanna: A Pilot Case Study

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    The Brazilian Cerrado is a highland tropical savanna considered a biodiversity hotspot with many endemic species of plants and animals. Over the years, most of the native areas of this biome became arable areas, and with inadequate management, some are nowadays at varying levels of degradation stage. Crop-livestock integrated systems (CLIS) are one option for the recovery of areas in degradation, improving the physicochemical and biological characteristics of the soil while increasing income and mitigating risks due to product diversification. Little is known about the effect of CLIS on the soil microbial community. Therefore, we perform this pilot case study to support further research on recovering degraded areas. The bacterial and fungal soil communities in the area with CLIS were compared to an area under moderate recovery (low-input recovering - LI) and native savanna (NS) area. Bacterial and fungal communities were investigated by 16S and ITS rRNA gene sequencing (deep rRNA sequencing). Ktedonobacteraceae and AD3 families were found predominantly in LI, confirming the relationship of the members of the Chloroflexi phylum in challenging environmental conditions, which can be evidenced in LI. The CLIS soil presented 63 exclusive bacterial families that were not found in LI or NS and presented a higher bacterial richness, which can be related to good land management. The NS area shared 21 and 6 families with CLIS and LI, respectively, suggesting that the intervention method used in the analyzed period brings microbial diversity closer to the conditions of the native area, demonstrating a trend of approximation between NS and CLIS even in the short term. The most abundant fungal phylum in NS treatment was Basidiomycota and Mucoromycota, whereas Ascomycota predominated in CLIS and LI. The fungal community needs more time to recover and to approximate from the native area than the bacterial community. However, according to the analysis of bacteria, the CLIS area behaved differently from the LI area, showing that this treatment induces a faster response to the increase in species richness, tending to more accelerated recovery. Results obtained herein encourage CLIS as a sustainable alternative for recovery and production in degraded areas

    Congenital Zika syndrome is associated with maternal protein malnutrition

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) infection during pregnancy is associated with a spectrum of developmental impairments known as congenital Zika syndrome (CZS). The prevalence of this syndrome varies across ZIKV endemic regions, suggesting that its occurrence could depend on cofactors. Here, we evaluate the relevance of protein malnutrition for the emergence of CZS. Epidemiological data from the ZIKV outbreak in the Americas suggest a relationship between undernutrition and cases of microcephaly. To experimentally examine this relationship, we use immunocompetent pregnant mice, which were subjected to protein malnutrition and infected with a Brazilian ZIKV strain. We found that the combination of protein restriction and ZIKV infection leads to severe alterations of placental structure and embryonic body growth, with offspring displaying a reduction in neurogenesis and postnatal brain size. RNA-seq analysis reveals gene expression deregulation required for brain development in infected low-protein progeny. These results suggest that maternal protein malnutrition increases susceptibility to CZS.Fil: Barbeito Andrés, Jimena. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasil. Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche. Unidad Ejecutora de Estudios en Neurociencias y Sistemas Complejos. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital Alta Complejidad en Red El Cruce Dr. Néstor Carlos Kirchner Samic. Unidad Ejecutora de Estudios en Neurociencias y Sistemas Complejos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Unidad Ejecutora de Estudios en Neurociencias y Sistemas Complejos; ArgentinaFil: Pezzuto, Paula. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Higa, Luiza. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Dias, André Alves. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Vasconcelos, Janaina. Universidade Federal do Pará; BrasilFil: Santos, T. M. P.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Ferreira, Jéssica. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Ferreira, R. O.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Dutra, F. F.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Rossi, A. D.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Barbosa, R. V.. Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro. Centro Nacional de Biologia Estrutural E Bioimagem.; BrasilFil: Amorim, C. K. N.. Evandro Chagas Institute; BrasilFil: de Souza, M. P. C.. Evandro Chagas Institute; BrasilFil: Chimelli, L.. Instituto Estadual do Cérebro Paulo Niemeyer ; BrasilFil: Aguiar, R. S.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Gonzalez, Paula Natalia. Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche. Unidad Ejecutora de Estudios en Neurociencias y Sistemas Complejos. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ministerio de Salud. Hospital Alta Complejidad en Red El Cruce Dr. Néstor Carlos Kirchner Samic. Unidad Ejecutora de Estudios en Neurociencias y Sistemas Complejos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Unidad Ejecutora de Estudios en Neurociencias y Sistemas Complejos; ArgentinaFil: Lara, F. A.. Oswaldo Cruz Institute; BrasilFil: Castro, M.C.. Harvard University. Harvard School of Public Health; Estados UnidosFil: Molnár, Z.. University of Oxford; Reino UnidoFil: Lopes, R. T.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Bozza, M. T.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Vianez, J. L. S. G.. Evandro Chagas Institute; BrasilFil: Barbeito, Claudio Gustavo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Cuervo, P.. Oswaldo Cruz Institute; BrasilFil: Bellio, M.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Tanuri, A.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Garcez, P. P.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Brasi